Thursday, November 6, 2008

Nan Su Yadi Soe, Myanmar Actress

In October 2008, Popular Myanmar post the news about Myanmar celebrity Nan Su Yadi Soe who was recently back from Bangkok.

In the post, it was mentioned about Nan Su Yadi Soe was invited by Kantana film production group to act in the movie Title of "The Name Of Goddess" historical movie which is directed by Thai director.

It is said she was quite happy and got lots experiences during that limited time and got a chance to learn how Thai film crew are handling their activities in shooting place.

ALthough there was no confirmation about when the movie will be released, it is glad that a Myanmar model and celebrity Nan Su Yadi Soe got a chance to participate in Thai movie.

Let's see what she will looks like in the movie when the moive is in theater but now you can view some photos of Nan Su Yadi Soe with Thai Actress.

Nan Su Ya Di Soe
Nan Su Yadi Soe
Credit to PopularMyanmar

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